

Internet Society Foundation

Join Internet Society Foundation's Program Director, Shayna Robinson, in exploring the many facets of the Internet and its power as a force for good in the world. Listen as she and her guest hosts copy you in on interviews with experts, thoughtful stories from around the globe, and trending topics about everyday digital life. 

Categories: Technology

Listen to the last episode:

Shayna and Grant Specialist Remy Hellstern chat about language and accessibility on the Internet.

Then, Shayna interviews the Senior Advisor of Communications and Connectivity at the Internet Society, João Aguiar, about the Connected the Unconnected project and Community Networks.

Finally, Shayna and Remy debrief João's interview and discuss the tradeoffs and value of community networks and other resilient infrastructures.

Below are links referenced in the episode: 

  • https://www.newswire.ca/news-releases/nisga-a-announces-8-8-million-investment-in-lisims-network-to-bring-wireless-high-speed-internet-to-every-village-800923933.html

  • https://portal.salamatmena.org/digital-safety-dictionary-about/

  • https://www.projectwaves.net/

  • https://www.arewetogether.com/

  • Previous episodes

    • 17 - For Us, By Us: Community Networks and Connecting the Unconnected 
      Fri, 04 Aug 2023
    • 16 - Same Page: Mutually Agreed Norms for Routing Security (MANRS)  
      Fri, 07 Jul 2023
    • 15 - From the Bottom Up: Sustainable Technical Communities 
      Mon, 05 Jun 2023
    • 14 - Bcc Season 3!  
      Mon, 01 May 2023
    • 13 - Bonus - What is the Internet? 
      Wed, 21 Dec 2022
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