The Covert Narcissism Podcast

The Covert Narcissism Podcast

Renee Swanson

Covert narcissistic abuse crushes one’s soul. This podcast is devoted to understanding covert narcissistic abuse, its effect on the victims, and how to heal.

Categories: Education

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Are you trying to decide if all you are going through is "normal," or if it is fair and reasonable?In the last two episodes, I have talked about the codependency traits that so many victims have in common and the eternal victim role that covert narcissists play. These two things get trapped together so incredibly often.On one side, you have a person who does no self-reflection, no self-improvement, and no internal work. Instead they express out all the ways they have been hurt in life. The abuse they suffered as a child. The mistreatment from parents, siblings, friends. The abuse they suffered from previous relationships, leaving them “broken” and insecure. The ways that everything you say hurts them, reminds them of their past abuse, resurfaces their hurt self. The eternal victim!On the other side, you have a person who desires to care for others. To build other people up. To help others become the best they can be. To “fix” them. To save them. Willing to do the extra work. Willing to give the benefit of the doubt. To carry extra blame so the other person doesn’t have to. To carry your own load and half of theirs too. To look at your own smallest faults and blame these over the massive faults the other person displays. To hold yourself accountable for everything, while letting them off the hook for anything.This is NOT a good combination! Works out great for the covert narcissist, who does none of the work and does anything they want all the time. It is horrible for their partner, who does all the work and never does anything they themselves want.   I am Renee Swanson, and I help people recover from covert narcissistic abuse. •Are you tired of feeling isolated and alone?  •Are you searching for people who get it?  •Are you confused, reactive and unsure what to do?  •Are you running in circles in your mind? •Are you worried for your kids and the effect this is having on them?  •Do you want to know how not to raise another narcissist in this world? I can help you! I offer both group and individual coaching, which you can find at Renee Swanson, Certified Coach and Advocate for Victims of Covert Narcissistic Abuse

Previous episodes

  • 270 - Compare the Life of a Covert Narcissist With the Life of Their Victim (Special Throwback Episode) 
    Thu, 05 Sep 2024 - 0h
  • 269 - Trauma Brain and Covert Narcissism 
    Sat, 31 Aug 2024 - 0h
  • 268 - Turning Your Life Around with Special Guest, Stephany Ann 
    Thu, 29 Aug 2024 - 0h
  • 267 - 7 Ways to Protect Yourself from Covert Narcissism 
    Sun, 25 Aug 2024 - 0h
  • 266 - The Eternal Victim Role of a Covert Narcissist (Special Throwback Episode) 
    Thu, 22 Aug 2024 - 0h
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