ADHD Owned

ADHD Owned

Jessi Romero

If you have ADHD there's a high chance you are an entrepreneur or have thought about starting your own business. Entrepreneurship is amazing for ADHD brains, until it's not. In this podcast for ADHD entrepreneurs, you'll feel less alone, learn tools to help you in your business, and hear inspiring stories about ADHD entrepreneurs who are thriving and making an impact.

Categories: Business

Listen to the last episode:

Do you have a fear of being salesy? Find yourself avoiding your marketing and making "selling" type of content? Have said you wished you could just hire a salesperson to take it over? Cringe at the thought of rejection? You're not alone my friend!

I recorded this episode for you to help you learn about some of your tendencies, and some top tips that have worked for me and my ADHD clients to move past our blocks.



Previous episodes

  • 14 - ADHD Entrepreneurs & Our Fear Of Being Salesy + Top Tips 
    Fri, 10 Feb 2023
  • 13 - A Niche & Unique Positioning Lesson Inspired by the Rise of Crocs 
    Wed, 06 Jul 2022
  • 12 - What Stops ADHD Entrepreneurs From Nailing Their Marketing (+ my top tips) 
    Thu, 16 Jun 2022
  • 11 - 3 Things to Align Your Business To Your Brain 
    Tue, 12 Apr 2022
  • 10 - Unmasking: Sharing My Story The Way It Is, Taking Up Space and Refusing To Be Invisible 
    Thu, 24 Mar 2022
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