Nethone Darknet Summary

Nethone Darknet Summary


Hello, and welcome to the Nethone Darknet Summary! Andrew Elliott and Michał Barbaś introduce you to the hottest news and observations on the Dark Web.

Our podcast account is currently on temporary hold. This means there will be a pause in releasing new episodes until further notice. 

In the meantime, we encourage you to explore our extensive archive of past episodes, which are still available for enjoyment. Stay tuned for updates regarding the show's resumption on our website and social media platforms.

Categories: Technology

Listen to the last episode:

In this month’s episode, we look into the increasing sophistication of the AI voice cloning scam. You may have seen deepfake disinformation videos in the news in the last few years, and perhaps you may even have used AI voice generators or text-to-speech services. You likely thought they were good, but at the same time, they didn’t quite look or sound like a real human. But the tech has been improving. The AI voice cloning scam - just another trick to fool victimsFraudsters and scammers ...

Previous episodes

  • 30 - The growth of the AI voice cloning scam 
    Tue, 06 Jun 2023
  • 29 - Genesis Market raided in international sting 
    Thu, 11 May 2023
  • 28 - Sanctions evasion is a threat to all merchants and banks 
    Fri, 14 Apr 2023
  • 27 - The darknet and online romance scams 
    Thu, 16 Mar 2023
  • 26 - Dark web vendors are creating their own mobile apps 
    Fri, 10 Feb 2023
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